(ThySistas.com) I was reflecting about a situation recently, and in doing so I realized we were all moving forward from said situation…but there had been no true healing nor reconciliation. Far too often we believe moving forward together requires reconciliation and nothing could be further from the truth…especially when dealing ...
(ThySistas.com) Everyone seems to want to tell parents what they feel is the correct way to raise children, while also telling us every child is different. Too many of us are being told out just out of diapers small children need to be independent, make choices, and have authority. However, ...
(ThySistas.com) There is a conversation that is very difficult to have amongst our sister circles. Black women are strong, wise in many areas, and have mothered communities for generations. When you’re the constant go to for fixing matters, and helping to bring others to account sometimes it’s easy to forget ...
(ThySistas.com) My father used to sing a song titled, “Everything Must Change”. Though it has a romantic vibe to it the lyrics can be applied to life. Time is always moving forward, and it stops for no one. Maybe there is a lesson to be learned from good ol Father ...
(ThySistas.com) Family has always been a very difficult subject for me. I have been battling with various illnesses for a long time, I have lost loved ones, and have been betrayed by loved ones. When you have endured so much there is a strong urge to protect self by closing ...
(ThySistas.com) Prioritizing one’s peace has finally become a focus for many people. It is more than a trending topic, and it should be. There is no maintaining positive mental health without peace, however it is a challenge because there are so many things that can affect our peace…and all of ...
(ThySistas.com) Parenting is something I don’t see getting easier, as society continues to become an even more dangerous place. In addition to the normal parenting concerns, Black parents in America must prepare their children to live and thrive in a country that historically to present doesn’t value them. With that ...
(ThySistas.com) I know this is a touchy subject, and by some it won’t be received in the spirit of its intention…regardless of how I word the matter. Let me begin by saying the respect that one demands has to be a respect that is given. We can’t look at a ...
(ThySistas.com) Iron deficiency is a prevalent health concern, affecting a significant number of individuals, with Black women being particularly susceptible. Recognizing the importance of addressing this issue, this article delves into health tips tailored specifically for Black women managing iron deficiencies. By understanding the unique factors contributing to this health ...
(ThySistas.com) Far too often “spilling the tea” is the equivalent to spilling acid. I understand that what I’m about to talk about can be said for any group dynamic. However, I don’t walk in those circles so they can address their corrosion themselves. I care about the state of sista ...
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