Monday, March 25, 2024

Choosing the Right School for Your Child: A Guide for Black Mothers.

September 27, 2023 by  
Filed under Education, Motherhood, News, Opinion, TS, Weekly Columns

Ultimately, the best school for your child is one where they feel safe, supported, and inspired to learn. Regardless of the type of school you choose, remember that your involvement and advocacy as a parent are crucial to your child’s success. Stay engaged in your child’s education, build strong relationships with teachers and administrators, and advocate for the resources and support your child needs to thrive. With your guidance and support, your child can receive an excellent education and achieve their fullest potential.

Violence and Safety – Protecting the Wellbeing of Black Women.

In conclusion, addressing the issues of violence and safety faced by black women requires a multi-pronged approach. By recognizing and addressing the intersectionality of racial and gender biases, we can begin to dismantle the systems that perpetuate violence. It is essential to provide comprehensive support services, implement police and criminal justice reforms, and empower grassroots organizations. Moreover, prevention strategies and allyship efforts play a crucial role in fostering a society that values the safety and well-being of all individuals, regardless of their race or gender. Only by actively working together can we create a world where black women are safe, respected, and free from violence.

Empowering Black Women through Self-Defense: Embracing Strength, Resilience, and Personal Safety.

Self-defense training holds tremendous potential for empowering black women. By building confidence, enhancing situational awareness, fostering physical fitness, cultivating self-discipline, and creating a supportive community, self-defense equips black women with the tools they need to navigate the world with increased personal safety and empowerment. Through self-defense, black women can celebrate their strength, resilience, and agency, embodying the legacy of their ancestors who have overcome countless challenges. Let us continue to champion and support black women in their journey towards personal safety, empowerment, and self-determination.

Black Teenage Girls and the Impact of Social Media.

Balancing Screen Time and Mental Health: Excessive screen time and constant exposure to social media can take a toll on the mental health of black teenage girls. It is important to encourage them to find a healthy balance by setting limits on screen time, engaging in offline activities, and practicing self-care. Promoting open conversations about mental health, fostering resilience, and providing support networks can help them navigate the challenges of social media. Encouraging them to curate their social media feeds, following accounts that inspire and uplift, and unfollowing those that trigger negative emotions can also contribute to a healthier online experience.

Black Women and Shadow Work: Healing, Liberation, and Self-Discovery.

Shadow work holds immense potential for healing, liberation, and self-discovery for black women. By embracing this transformative process, black women can navigate their experiences, heal ancestral wounds, challenge internalized beliefs, and reclaim their authentic power. Shadow work empowers black women to cultivate self-compassion, forge healthy relationships, and actively participate in movements for social change.

Sometimes A Voice Can Save.

When you step up to offer the voice your sistah needs, you may be about to receive the same…and you may not have realized you needed a lifeline. The conversation my start with you hearing an issue, or being a shoulder.

The Strong Need Safe Spaces.

Let’s love on our strong sistahs. We must create the space to let them know they are appreciated, and they are not alone. They must receive the care that we ourselves demand.

Personal Development Tips for the Teenage Sista.

Personal development is an empowering journey that allows black teenage girls to cultivate their unique potential, embrace their cultural heritage, and nurture their overall well-being. By cultivating self-awareness, building supportive networks, prioritizing self-care, and pursuing their passions, they embark on a path of growth, resilience, and self-discovery. With these hopeful and practical tips, let us encourage and uplift black teenage girls, providing them with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of life and emerge as confident, compassionate, and empowered individuals.

Empowering Black Girls and Young Women.

In a society where black girls and young black women face unique challenges, the power of social-emotional learning and mentorship cannot be overstated. By integrating SEL into educational systems, fostering mentorship relationships, and providing support networks, we can uplift and empower these remarkable individuals. Through SEL and mentorship, black girls and young black women can develop essential skills, nurture their cultural identity, build supportive networks, and become confident leaders who make a positive impact in their communities and beyond. Together, let us embrace their potential and ensure that they have the support they need to thrive in today’s society.

Book Review: Ida B. Wells-Barnett Still Speaks: Mob Rule In New Orleans.

Being a Native New Orleanian I admit this book was a difficult read. There is no sugar coating the hatred, violence, and terror. The sheer inhumanity is blatant to the reader. Though I remember hearing stories about a time that mob rule took over the streets of New Orleans, this book tells the stories and gives a name to victims. The horror came to life on the page. These were human beings going about their life, some were driving back into town, some headed to work, others visiting from out of town, but they were all spotted, hunted, and attacked for no other reason than they were Black.

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