The Most Creative and Unforgettable Covid Wedding Ideas.

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( “All is fair in love and war.” The coronavirus may be going through the Greek alphabet like a gladius through butter, but it can’t stop the cherub of love from hooking people up.

People are still getting hitched; romance continues to bloom. “Wife . . . uh . . . finds a way.”

Find a way you shall with these creative ideas that you can do to spice up your wedding.

Live Stream Tradition

Nothing beats the traditional church wedding. As long as you follow the mandated limit of people for gatherings (i.e., 25 or less for indoors, 100 or less for outdoors), you can safely proceed with your ceremony.

That does not mean that those in attendance should be the only witnesses of your vows. Consider live streaming your wedding. Distant friends and family can join your wedding virtually from the safety of their homes.

It’s a fun workaround to the pandemic precautions. It’s quickly becoming a popular fad too.

Couple photography crews can make this work for you. The tech-savvy ones will be the most proficient with this rather modern style of celebrating one’s wedlock. If they operate a drone, that’ll add production value to your stream and further embellish your event’s video recording.


Personalized PPEs

Everybody still needs to wear face masks to fend off the virus. However, these hygienic articles shouldn’t dampen your dapper decor.

Lay down the dollar store surgical masks for now. Find a proper tailor to personalize face masks that suit your wedding theme.

The bride, the groom, and the members of the entourage should have masks that match their attire. The rest of your guests can be given ones that aren’t as stylized as the main cast but are within the dress code.

Alternatively, you can go medieval and hold a masquerade. This over-the-top extravagance will surely engrave your wedding into memory.

Drive-In Celebration

You can also conduct your wedding at a drive-in cinema. Instead of a campy rom-com, it will be you and your partner on the pedestal, tying the knot on a true love story.

Your guests can stay safely inside their cars — with no risk of physical interaction. You can opt for a wedding bus rental for those who don’t have a car. It may be prudent to rent extra buses to spread the passengers out and maintain social distancing.

For your decor, you may make custom hood ornaments made of ribbons so they can be attached easily to each car.

As you end the main event with a kiss, you may expect to hear the applause of a hundred honking horns. You can then parade through town as you make your way to your reception. This cavalcade can be a way to share your blessed occasion with your community.

Exotic Feast

Since you’re only allowed a small number of guests, it wouldn’t hurt to treat these limited few a feast worthy of royalty.

Besides, you’re already saving money by hosting a micro event. You may want to give back to the loved ones who’ve braved the new normal just to attend your special day.

Toronto catering companies usually have several offerings for a luxurious wedding menu. Some even have their own unique specialties.

Following a foreign theme may even satiate the wanderlust of your guests, who may not have had the chance to travel in light of the pandemic.

Perhaps a Persian buffet can evoke experiences of one thousand and one nights spent abroad, or a seafood-heavy selection can cure their Caribbean blues.

Home, Hearth, and Heart

If COVID cases are rising again, it might be best that you remain at home. There’s no sense in risking a wedding if you cannot build a life after it.

That doesn’t mean you can’t get married though. You just simply have to do it at your own house. All you need is an officiant to preside over the ceremony.

You will want to decorate the area where you’ll be wed — perhaps your living room, your patio, or even your front porch — with embellishments. These add life and cheer to your wedding, no matter how humble it is.

If you opt to live stream your marriage as described earlier, this kind of event won’t feel as lonely as it should too.


These concepts aren’t mutually exclusive. You can totally mingle them together and make your wedding more unforgettable. Love doesn’t discriminate after all.

COVID can’t stop Cupid, and neither should it stop you from getting married. It is human resilience that enables two hearts to unite regardless of the difficulty and the distance.

Fifty years down the line, as you celebrate your golden anniversary, you’ll be telling stories to your grandkids about the Pandemic of ‘20 and how your love blossomed despite the duress, like a rose that grew from concrete.

Staff Writer; Lisa Jacobs