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Getting Value For Money From Your Home.

September 11, 2019 by  
Filed under Business, Money, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( When it comes to moving home, the costs can soon mount up and that dream home can seem further away than ever when you start factoring in legal fees, removals and applying for a mortgage that you may or may not get.

But when you’re busting out of your living space, something’s got to give. In this blog we explore some options on investing your money in your home and creating some space without the need to move.

Sourcing Finance

While a home extension is going to cost less than a move it will still involve some financing. You have several options, you could consider borrowing against your current mortgage, taking out a home improvement loan from your bank or other financial lender or you could put the money on a low interest credit card, spreading the payments back across a series of months.

However you do it, look for a solution that offers you the lowest interest rate. Avoid pay day lenders who promise the cash instantly but will claw back thousands more in interest making it almost impossible to pay off the original amount. Check a price comparison site to see what kind of deals are out there.

What Can You Do?

Extend out or extend up, or both. These are your main options. If you have some space in your roof, then an attic conversion is a great way to give your family a little more breathing room. Check with your planning department on what you need in the way of permissions, but if you aren’t changing the footprint of your property you’re probably going to need little in the way of permission to make the changes.

If you are building out from the roof space, you may need to apply for planning permission at your local planning control.

Your other option is to build out. Extend that dining room or kitchen out back and then you’ll also have the option of building out the bedroom above it as well. In this case, you’re going to need to a building surveyor to take a look at your plans and think about having construction risk management take a look before any work begins. You will need to contact planning control for advice here too.

While it might seem like a big job and can mean some disruption for several weeks, at the end of the process you’ll be left with a home that’s finally fit for purpose. A house that you love but that doesn’t feel like it’s bursting at the seams. All that construction and brick dust will all be worth it as your family is able to stretch out a little and make use of more space.

Talk to your planning control department about how you start the process and find an architect who shares your vision and can start making it a reality. Put that move on hold as you explore ways to get the maximum space out of the home you’re in.

Staff Writer; Paula Hall

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