Self-care Changes with Motherhood.

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( More women are moving towards a place of self-care. They are tending to their needs verses just seeing to that of others. In embracing self-care women are becoming more in tuned with who they are, and what they need to sustain joy and peace in their life. The interesting thing about self-care is it evolves as the person evolves. Each level of life can require adjustments to self-care. Some women have found that they had come to a good place in this journey while they were single. However, many have found once married the self-care needs change. There is nothing wrong with having spaces that being to you verses every space including your spouse. It is very important to remember you are a woman with an identity that is deeper that just being a wife.

This change in self-care evolves further when a woman, single or married, becomes a mother. It is a space whereby it’s very easy to forget self-care was ever needed, and it’s easy to lose who you are as motherhood can appear to absorb all of these things. You will find that with will take more than a glass of wine and a massage to handle self-care as a mother. Keep in mind every mom is different so self-care can be a very in some ways from woman to woman.

As a mother you will find that sleep is a commodity to be cherished especially when you have babies and small children. The point of taking care of you is not for the children…you must do this for self. However, it is true that if you are not taken care of you can’t tend to your children. It’s okay have set aside time whereby someone will help you with the children for the sole purpose of you getting some much needed sleep. You’ll find that you feel much better mentally and physically when you’ve rested a few hours without interruption.

Sometimes going out alone, or with close friends, to enjoy a balanced meal you didn’t have to prepare can be a blessing. For some being able to engage in adult conversation over a good meal is good for the soul. When you have small children of course the conversation is tailored to their understanding. You’ll enjoy a conversation that doesn’t involve cartoons. Taking a hot bath without interruption is also a peaceful space. You may have had this as a part of self-care before motherhood but the space takes on a new meaning as a mom.

Lastly, you may value times of absolute silence in ways you’ve never imagined. No one is crying, calling your name, or needing you to do something. There is no value that can be places on this time peace and quiet. Eventually, you may find yourself adding music of that is a soul soother, or reading books you haven’t been able to touch due to the demands of your home. Allow that quiet time to be whatever you need to rejuvenate your soul.

Motherhood is a beautiful thing, but it demands that you take care of yourself, or you will find yourself drained beyond reason. The care you will need will have to accommodate this new space you are in so don’t be afraid to try new ideas on self-care. Mom’s please share with us different methods of self-care that have helped you relax and rejuvenate.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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