Moving Done Right.

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( Are you right in the middle of a packing storm? Maybe that house move is just about to happen and you’re in a slight panic about how much time you’ve got to get everything done. It’s a stressful experience and doesn’t get easier no matter how many times you’ve done it.

What you need is your moving checklist and we’re here to provide just that with our guide to moving house. Don’t miss anything off the list and stay calm as you get your life packed away in a series of boxes.

1 Give notice

Have you told all the right people, all the right dates? Does your landlord know when you’re moving on? Make a list of all the people who need to be told both from where you’re leaving and where you’re going to.

2 Final readings

You’ll also need to make sure all your utilities are cut off in your name, so take final readings where appropriate for your water, gas, electricity and so on before you hand the keys on to the new owners. If there are local government charges, you’ll also need them taken care of too.

3 Advance connections

At the same time as cutting off one supply, you’ll want to have that transferred over to your new property so arrange with your suppliers (including of course your internet provider) to have all the utilities on at your new place as soon as or quickly after you move in.

4 Plan ahead

You can do this is in several ways, firstly you might think about having a grand sort out and getting all those unused clothes and books down a charity shop way ahead of time. You should also have got a number of competitive quotes from transportation companies and removal firms, such as knight transportation inc if you’re thinking about having any goods transported across country.

5 Great packing

When you pack don’t mix boxes up, even between bedrooms. Label them bedroom one, two and so on so you can easily place them in the right rooms when you unpack in your new home.

You’ll get a second chance at sorting out junk as you go along so have some trash bags with you as you go and be ruthless at what gets packed and what gets tossed.

You’re all set for moving and whether it’s your first move or twenty-first, great organisation is going to be the key to your success. Get that checklist ticked off and work through letting all the right people know. Don’t forget to tell your bank, your car insurers and your gym as well as your home utility providers. 

It is hard work and it does take a lot of time but once you’re in your forever home, unpacked and relaxing in your new living space, you’ll know it was worth all that hard and effort to get you there. Get organised, get packing and move on with the rest of your life.

Staff Writer; Lisa Wall