Financing Your Business Startup: The Options.

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( Businesses do not come cheap. Even the smallest ones will take a considerable sum to get up and running. As a new business owner, you need funds in place to be able to finance your venture, and this need continues to grow as your business does. For example, you may need to move to new premises, sort out gas oil drums to ship goods nationwide, and to buy new machinery, equipment, and transport, not to mention things like marketing and promoting your business.

Here, we look at some of the options that may be available to you to help you with this.

An angel investor

We do not mean the heavenly sort with wings, although you may be hoping for one to come along! No, by an angel investor we mean the kind from Shark Tank or Dragons Den. These are people that will provide you will the majority of funding that you need to get your business off the ground. However, you do need to bear in mind that these opportunities do not come for free – or very rarely do, anyway.  In return for investing in your business, an angel investor will quite often want shares in your business or take a cut of the profits once you start making them. Should your business be successful, this can work out to be quite a lot of money, so think carefully about how much of your business you want to give away.

Turn to your peers

Another way to fund your business is to turn to your peers. There are various ways of doing this, but be careful. You can do it informally – simply a friend lending another friend some money to get their business off the ground. However, this can test even the tightest of relationships, and if things turn sour in the future, there may be a problem. The safest way of doing it is to turn to a peer to peer lending platform instead. This may also have the advantage of preferential interest rates, and your credit history, which is crucial to the decision with a traditional bank loan, may not be as important.  However, you decide to do it, make sure contracts are in place, and you are all on board with the legal issues surrounding it.

Pay a visit to your bank

One of the most common options for raising money for a new business to go to a traditional lender such as a bank or a building society. If you decide to go down this route, you need to be prepared to pitch your business ideas, have a coherent and concise plan and financial projection, as well as a good credit score. This may prevent some startups from accessing the money that they need.

Do it yourself

Finally, if the above options fail, you may need to look at doing it yourself.  Unless you have a windfall or have been saving up for a situation for this, it is unlikely that you will have all the money that you will need at your fingertips.

You could look at re-mortgaging your home and using any equity from it to fund your business or liquidize any other high-value assets that you may have, such as cars and art. This way, you are not put into debt.

Staff Writer; Sherry Wall