Are You Solo Traveling This Year?

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( Traveling alone is one of the best experiences you’ll ever have in life.  You did not need a group of people or another person to travel the world.  The first time I traveled alone was to Miami, FL and I had a very good time on the sandy beaches, alone.  You can have so much peace of mind when you travel alone.

Think about it, you can do as you please without having to be mindful of other people.  You can have a hotel room to yourself or a private room in an AirBnb, your choice.  I love knowing that when I travel solo, that I don’t have to have an itinerary to accommodate things to do as you would in a group trip.  You can just go with the flow as each moments pass.

Traveling alone can help you get to know more about yourself.  I’m sure with your busy schedule, you don’t often get to explore the things that you solely like.  You plan activities around your kids, family, friends or partner to reflect the things that they like but what about you?  What do you like to do if given some alone time to do it?

You can also meet new friends while traveling.  Imaging meeting your new BFF in Cancun or Jamaica?  You can’t be shy when traveling solo.  Talk to the natives of where you are and learn more about their city, town or country.  Don’t be afraid to create new friends in new places.  This will help you become more confident in yourself if you are shy and your current BFF won’t feel like they’re being replaced.

It’s cheaper to travel solo.  That big suite up in the sky of your hotel costs money when it’s a group of your friends staying in it with you.  Traveling solo means you don’t go have to have an ocean view room or suite, a standard on the third floor will be perfect for just you.  You can dine on sides or salads the entire trip if you choose or splurge on that steak and lobster, your call.  It’s easier to save money for a solo trip than it is for a trip with multiple people.

You don’t have to travel solo all of the time but just do it at least once in your lifetime or annually.  Get comfortable with yourself as you travel alone.  You will trust yourself, more and more that you do it.  You can change plans at any given moment to fit the current moment that you are in.  This will allow you to be more present where you are.  You don’t want to lose sight that you are on vacation so make the best of your time and money spent on it.  Don’t just stay in your hotel room, get out and meet the locals and have a great time, you deserve it.

Lastly, traveling solo can be the perfect opportunity to travel to more places.  You may meet and become friends with someone who lives in another state or country that you’ve always wanted to visit.  Well, now you know someone who actually lives there and you can hang out together.  Traveling solo is a great way to spend time as you please doing the things and eating the foods that pleases you without the drama or hassles of being with a group of people.  The world is so beautiful, get out there and see it, don’t wait on other people to travel, get your solo trip on this year.  Safe travels!

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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