Tips to Work for Your 9a-5p AND Your Side Hustle.

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( Are you tired of living off of one stream hustle?  Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck?  Are you ready to generate income doing what you’re passionate about?  If you said “yes” to any of those questions, here’s how you can work for your 9a-5p job AND generate income from your side hustle:

1. Figure out what you’re passionate about that you can monetize from it. You can monetize from anything that you do well naturally.  For example, if you love listening to people and writing you can be a transcriber.

2. Create a schedule around your 9a-5p that you can work on your side hustle. So for example, if you get off at 5p, usually done with dinner, helping the kids and hubby settle in for the night by 8pm, then work on your side hustle from 8p-10p.  You can work longer hours on the weekends when you’re off or whatever day that you’re off.

3. To enhance your skills, educate yourself on the latest updates or news in your industry, invest in books, courses, e-books, etc. Delegate an hour once a week towards professional development for your side hustle.

4. Once you’ve figured out what you can passionately do and monetize from it, now it’s time to put the word out there about your product or service. Because you are just starting out, I would suggest using social media which is FREE marketing.  You shouldn’t pay for marketing materials just yet until your product or services are generating income consistently.

5. Take those slow periods at your 9a-5p and work on your side hustle. Most side hustles can be operated from your cellphone.  You can do administrative work, reach out to potential clients or customers or promote your product or services on social media.  Use your free time wisely now, you have a business to build.

6. If you are an early riser, you can work on your side hustle before you go to work if your evenings are booked to capacity with work or other family obligations. Again, it’s your side hustle so you have to find time to put in the work to get the financial benefits from it.

So many people have side hustles now because that one paycheck is never enough to do the things that we love to do or treat ourselves to vacations, dinner dates and anything else that you want to do besides pay bills.  You don’t have to pick your full-time job over your side hustle, you can make the time to do both.  The income you make from your side hustle can pay off debt, add to your savings account for a rainy day, spent traveling or buying yourself those pair of shoes that you’ve been having your eyes on but been too afraid spend your payroll check money on.

Your side hustle is to something you can do naturally and gain joy from doing it.  It should not be just another paycheck that you receive working another job.  You can always search ways to monetize your passions online if you are unsure of what you want to do.  Don’t forget to put money back into your side hustle to help you continue to generate an income from it, don’t spend it all in one place.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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