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Is Your Business Disaster Proof? It Is Now.

December 10, 2018 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comIn a perfect world, your business would pull through any problem with consummate ease. However, threats are never that easy to deal with and there are lots of them. As a result, it’s not uncommon for a business to have to deal with chaos and catastrophe at some stage in its cycle.

For companies that aren’t disaster-proof, this is a major setback because a tornado or a flood can cause millions of dollars’ worth of damage. SMEs can’t afford these amounts as there is barely enough reserve cash to get through the month. Unfortunately, this can cause companies to shut down and go out of business, all because of Mother Nature.

Thankfully, strategies exist which help to curb Her temper and keep the firm intact. All owners have to do is prepare for the worst. That way, the damage won’t be as severe. Here is the advice to consider for entrepreneurs who want to get ready for incoming natural disasters.

Prepare For Outages

Modern businesses rely on the internet, which is why a disaster is a huge deal. Without any power, there isn’t a connection and there is no way to continue to trade effectively. Sure, there is the physical store, but even it needs the internet to connect to the point of sale system and access customer data.

This is where a generator comes in handy. With a backup power system, there is no need to go offline for an extended amount of time. The generator should be able to fuel the essential services so that you will be back online and somewhat operational. Granted, not everything will work as effectively or efficiently, but at least the company can limp along until the worst of the weather is over.

Deciding which one to choose is the main issue as there are plenty of them on the market. Typically, a portable power unit is the best option as it isn’t costly to run and provide enough juice for the job. However, it does depend on the regularity of the outages. Use for inspiration.

Develop A Recovery Plan

Sometimes, it isn’t possible to continue as is everything is fine. When the damage is very bad, it’s essential to have a recovery plan to get back on your feet as soon as possible. Much like being offline, not being able to trade is a death sentence if it lasts too long.

A strategy can be basic or it can be complicated. For example, a fundamental plan may be to remove the water after a flood. Restructuring the office equipment so that it isn’t at risk is one step which can prevent further damage. Alternatively, micropiles may be necessary to shore up the surface and ensure the conditions are solid. You can learn more about how Helitech did this for an elementary school in Missouri by looking at the case study. Check out for the details.

In essence, it’s vital that you look at the crucial aspects of the business and develop a contingency plan. It doesn’t matter how simple for complex it is; as long as it works, it’s fine.

Store Cash

Depending on the severity of the situation, it may not be possible to access your bank account. Should this happen, it will be almost impossible to pay for the necessary repairs. As a result, the business will be in bad shape until the account comes back online again. Or, you’ll have to agree to an extortionate loan which will leave the company vulnerable.

With backup cash, there’s no need to do anything drastic. The money will cover the expenses in the short-term so that the business can get back on its feet. There are lots of questions you will want answers to, yet the important things to know are:

–    store it off-site

–    save three to six months’ worth; whichever one is feasible

–    don’t tell anyone

Saving three to six month’s worth of money is obvious, but the other two aren’t. Firstly, storing the cash off-site should prevent it from getting damaged in the event of a disaster. If there’s a flood and the water reaches a certain height, it will be destroyed. Secondly, not telling anyone allows you to forget about it. This means you won’t be tempted to dip into the savings. Plus, it makes it secure as it’s hard to steal money when nobody knows it exists.

And Data

You’ll need as much data as possible to restart the company again, and this is where storage comes into the picture. However, it isn’t going to take the same form as it does now. At the moment, the business’ reliance on the Web is a weak spot regarding a disaster. One gust of wind or downpour could leave you without anything.

Therefore, it’s a wise move to take the info which is the most sensitive and put it onto hard drives and disks. A USB pen will store a lot of account information as long as the memory is over 1GB. Then, put it in a locked drawer or a safe somewhere off-site away from the computer servers.

Another option is to make online data available offline without a connection. To do this, has a video guide which you can follow.


Disaster-proofing a business isn’t only about getting up and running again. It’s also about being safe during the event. If there is an earthquake, it’s essential everyone knows what to do and when. For example, do your employees understand they must do the following to survive?:

–    drop

–    cover, and

–    hold

Not only should you teach this, particularly in earthquake hotspots, but you need to practice too. The only way to get better at a skill is to do it over and over until it’s perfect.

There are also training programs which are available. Https:// has more.

Hopefully, these tips will keep you safe and online during the next disaster.

Staff Writer; Paula Parker

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