Anniversary Gifts With A Touch Of Class.

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(ThySistas.comThe wedding is over, the honeymoon has gone too and now you’re in the thick of it. This is what marriage is all about, the day after day of being faithful, loyal and loving your partner. Being there for them when they have no one else to confide with about their insecurities in life and about themselves, having discussions about life and existence, you are together wrapped in a bond. Birthdays are a day to celebrate life of an individual, and wishing them forever more years on this earth. Father’s Day is also a time to show appreciation to your partner for the hard work they put in for raising the children, making sure they’re happy, healthy and have a great future. However, an anniversary is a time for you both to share not as the mother and father of the family, but as husband and wife.

Why not do this with a touch of class to make it truly special?


The drink of love

Cast your mind back into the annals of history. Kings, and princes, as well as princesses and queens, would drink wine together. There are many poems, plays and moments in history, that celebrate this red drink of love and make love way into the night. It was one of the first things couples shared together when they met and then when they got married. So for your anniversary, why not get yourself a personalized gift that is for red wine? A decanter with your own initials on it, is a romantic gift for each other. You can engrave your initials on the glass, make the decanter as part of your own personal dining together. Use it to pour wine for each other when you’re having a romantic candlelight dinner, when it’s just the two of you at home.

A debonair display

When you go out together for a meal in a high-class restaurant, you should both be looking the part. Dressed to impress, you should look like a couple that has style, confidence and charm. No doubt you have some ideas of the kinds of evening dresses you like and jewellery to go with them. However for your man, you could give him ties for men that are made out of silk, and designed and crafted in Italy. A power tie often comes in a bright but bold color, so try out the ceremony red tie. This would go well with a waistcoat as well. Or if you want a little more suave and charm, pick out the light purple tie with white dots. These are ties that don’t weigh a lot and have a subtle sheen since they are made out of silk. This is a great gift for an anniversary as it can be worn on the night of your celebration if you happen to be going out of the evening.

Anniversary gifts are a bit tricky. They just hold an increased level of importance because they should be symbolizing your love for each other somehow. A personalized decanter of wine is something special to add to your lover’s dining set. And a silk tie made in Italy is just debonair style that can’t go wrong.

Staff Writer; Shelia Day