Order Requires Effort.

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(ThySistas.com“Order is not something that happens or is continued on its own. You have to implement it then have the discipline to maintain it. So what’s your plan?” – John I Pierre

Order is something we tend to know we need, but have a hard time getting a handle on. It doesn’t seem to take much for one area of our life to be out of order. Seems like when things are running efficiently at work it is not so at home, and vice versa. Its as if some area of our life is bound to be in chaos so balance is never fully achieved. Sisters when work is chaotic that is not something we can always control as there are many other variables involved.

However, we must make it a priority to order our home so that their can be balance which leads to peace. In this fast pace life we live in some of us simply have no sanctuary space because the home is not ordered to that ends. This is more than merely housekeeping, though that is very important…this is about implementing a structure that will feed life into you in one of the areas whereby you would normally be in control.

Think about the things that give you life. The colors that inspire positivity in you, and the elements that soothe you. These things matter because as you order your home you want to add things to it that usher in your calm. The world may be chaotic, but your home doesn’t have to be. Have set times, as much as you can, whereby you do different household chores. You may not be the person that will push through and clean the entire house every Saturday laundry included, and that is okay. Space out the household chores as needed. The goal is to create a schedule that works for you whereby you can be consistent in what you are doing.

Sometimes a part of said order may be to unplug from social media at different times to allow you to get the things done during your day that are mandatory. It might be something as simple, yet important, as having a meditation or quiet space. A time whereby you can re-center yourself after stressful days or events. You might be working on your health, so you’d want to factor in time for workouts, meal prep, and long hot baths. Regardless of what needs to be don’t you must actively decide how things will get done.

Far too often we look at life and understand it is out of order, but we feel helpless to put our life in order. Sometimes we are waiting on someone or something to come along and give us the added order and balance we need. The truth each person is responsible for sitting down and evaluating ones life, setting an order in place based on said needs, and then having the discipline to implement said order day in and day out. No one is saying it will be easy, but in the long run you will thank yourself because you will find you are less anxious, your home is a nourishing place, and you have more control over you and how you react to life. Take the time to make your plan, and go about ordering your life.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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