Get Out of the Emotional Affair.

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( Sisters some of us have decided to engage in emotional affairs under the false pretense that since there is no sexual exchange everything is okay. well, if you have thought this you are absolutely wrong. It can be argued that physical cheating might not be the worse form. Emotional affairs require an intimacy that is much deeper than merely sex. When you connect with another human being emotionally you feel as though you are apart of their soul and they are a part of yours. This is so beautiful in the confinements of a committed relationship. That connection can sustain spouses through hardships in life that sex simply can’t fix. It’s the very embodiment of being present in ones’ relationship. If you have found yourself with this attachment to someone that is not yours…run.

As women we are very capable of tapping into our emotions, and when we connect with a man on that level we resign to surrender a deep place in our heart to him whereby we become depended on the connection he provides us. The problem with this is the person you are attacking yourself to belongs to someone else. You are putting yourself in a situation by which you can be damages emotionally in ways that is very difficult to repair. If you know the brother is married you owe better to yourself, and his wife to remove yourself from the situation. There should be a part of you that considers the marriage he has checked out of for the affair with you.

It must be considered because you would hate to be her one day. No one wants to be cheated on. You must question double standards and even hypocrisy when you engage in these situations. You would be devastated if your spouse whom you love checked out of your marriage in any fashion. As women and keepers of family we must consider what this behavior does to the women in our community, and the children.

Self-care is often a discussion amongst women. It is not healthy to give self a false sense of security from an mental and emotional state. At any given moment something devastating can happen in your life and the person you need to be there very well may leave you feeling along because he has to tend to his spouse. It doesn’t benefit you to be the ‘side chick’ emotionally nor physically. You deserve to have someone that can love you and be fully committed to you openly and privately. You should not have to be hope you can borrow his energy for a moment when you need him completely.

Don’t fall into the trap of baring your soul to a person that is supposed to be committed to another. Don’t believe the deception that it’s not cheating because it’s not sex. This is, in part, how sexual cheating can rear its head. Emotional affairs are devastating and destroy families as it is infidelity nonetheless. Love yourself and your community enough to steer clear of the emotional affair that will become toxic, and the source of drama.

Staff Writer; Chelle’ St James

May also connect with this sister via Twitter; ChelleStJames.