Little Details Make A Wedding Memorable.

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(ThySistas.comOf all the life events you can hope to go through, the days you spend planning your wedding are by far the most overwhelming of the lot. There is just so much to think about, so much to do and so much Pinterest to scroll through, all of which can leave you feeling more disorientated than stepping off a playground merry go round.

You’ve got to pick a venue, work out the logistics of your big day, commit to a menu that everyone will be wowed by, and then decide what style you want your gown to be, perhaps exploring the elegant wedding dresses at Emerald Bridal (Sydney, Australia) to help you out, book a photographer, and decide what sort of entertainment you will have on hand for guests.

Luckily for you, we have been busy. We’ve been speaking to wedding planners, newlyweds and venue managers to see which gorgeous features really make a wedding go “wow”, and here are the best of the best:

  1. Before The Altar…

Is the entrance and every bride deserves to make a grand entrance. Yet, for some reason, most brides focus solely on the altar and sprucing that part of the ceremony up as best as possible. What you really want, though, is to see a hundred jaws hit the floor as you step into the ceremony and all that takes is a few little details at the entrance – it may even help you overcome the jitters. It could be a vintage door you walk through at the foot of your beach ceremony, or you could adorn the church doors with big flower arrangements to create a whimsical touch.

  1. Run Down That Aisle…

One of the most impressive details you can so easily miss is the aisle runner; that stretch of carpet you get to glide down on your way to married life. This is your very own red carpet moment, and the biggest and best on you will ever experience no matter how famous you might become. The good news is, you can personalise it how you like. You could opt to have a red carpet runner for your church ceremony, or you could prefer to have a straw runner if you are saying your vows on a beach, or you could even have your own one made with the big dates of your love story printed on it; if nothing else, it will give people to smile at while they wait for your big entrance.

  1. Number Those Tables…

Yes, you could simply number your tables and be done with it. But it is far more magical to have some fun with your table numbering system and make them fifty shades of personal. You could have different pictures of you and your fiance, or you could use the numbers to correspond with little facts about your story (for example, 2 dates before we shared our first kiss), or you could have table names that play on your story, or a passion you both shared. Whatever you decide, have some fun with it. Use this as a chance to create little moments of magic.

  1. Imaginative Invitations…

The wedding itself isn’t the only time to have fun with little details. You can do it throughout the build-up to your big day, and one of the best options is your invitation. It is your chance to set the tone of your wedding and give people clues of what sort of bash it will be. If you’re having an elegant, timeless wedding then use silver wedding invitations. Simple and gorgeous. If, however, you are having more of a fun themed day, then why not embrace this with your invitations and have a scratch card that will reveal the dates of your wedding? A wedding is your day, and it all starts with the invites.

  1. Mix & Match Seating…

Who says you need to have ceremony chairs that match with one another? No one. Okay, sure, if you are getting married in a church with pews then you may not have much choice (this isn’t a bad thing, by the way). But if you are getting in a gorgeous abandoned building and are looking for thrifty ways to decorate the space, using any chairs you can find is an amazing way to add a bit of eccentricity and style to your ceremony. It is fun, it’s different, it’s diverse and it’s, well, probably a little bit more you.

  1. Dry Your Eyes…

If you think you are going to be the only one shedding a few happy tears at your wedding then you are mistaken. There will be a chorus of happy sobs when you say “I do”. There will be tears from those that love you, tears from those that can’t help but cry and tears from those that love happy moments. Basically, everyone will be crying. So, why not have a little wicker box full of embroidered handkerchiefs at the entrance; the more colorful the better. It’s quirky, it’s charming, it’s fun and it’s thoughtful and it is these kinds of things that will make your guests chitter-chatter about your big day for years to come.

  1. Creative With Cocktails…

There is so much you can do with your cocktails that will make them more personal, more thought out and more amazing. It could be that you want to go all out and create your own personal wedding cocktail and call it something like Honeydew, I Do Margarita (good huh?!), or you could just think about the added extras. We’re talking about adding little cocktail umbrellas made out of burlap and popping in some wooden stirrers with your initials on. Little things like this work wonders.

  1. Dating Advice…

You’ll be desperate for everyone to sign your wedding guest book, but they may forget to, or they may not know what to write, or any number of things. That is where a little creativity can encourage them. Have a mason jar full of wooden sticks and a chalkboard asking your guests for advice on what your first date as a married couple should be. These will be far more unique and fun than a generic message in a book.

Staff Writer; Paula Brooks