Team Sports Work – Creating A Work Sports Team.

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(ThySistas.comThere was a time where every larger company offered a recreational outlet and opportunity for bonding for their employees by providing a sports team. Sure, it may be that we need to look past a softball or bowling team but plenty of sports are well within the remit of any size company, and there are many benefits to doing so.

Recent studies have proven time and again that employees who are most vocal about telling others they work for a “great company” and if they would recommend a role to a friend within their corporation do so based majoritively on whether they have fun while at work. Encouraging social connections between your employees will create such a culture, helping, in the long run, to retain employees and improve your business reputation. If your employees see that you are investing in creating and maintaining a company team they will know their staff are important to them, that faith is priceless.

Encouraging a company sports team goes further than developing a fun environment but paying for the team is even better. You are investing in more than custom lacrosse uniforms; it demonstrates you are willing to invest time and money into your employee’s happiness. This goes further than purchasing a gym membership or pool table. This encourages 15 friends to work and play together, forging strong bonds inside and outside of the work environment. You could go further, create a league if your company is big enough to offer more than one team. Choosing sports that inspire diversity among the sexes is important, and should be encouraged.

Any form of team bonding is important, the more traditional Christmas party or popping to the bar on a Friday after work, yet they have historically tending to put people on the spot, in one on one conversations which the more introvert among your teams may find uncomfortable. The fantastic bonus of a company team is the game comes first, the social interaction becomes a natural byproduct of that.

Encouraging the families and friends of these teams to attend the matches extends the positive to your employees home environments. Spouses will understand their partner is being “looked after”, can strengthen interactions with their colleagues and once more create a very favourable view of the company in general. Your employees will feel proud, will want to strive to do well and this, of course, will increase self confidence and team integration, boosting morale too.  

Of course, the advantages are massive and glaring. The more difficult part is getting it up and running while trying to run a company in the first place right? The good news is there is plenty of help. Contact a local sports league in your area and ask for their assistance and advice.

This way you can focus on getting the team together, perhaps offering employees an opportunity to name the team and choose the strip colours. This again shows inclusivity.

Remember this though, as the boss you will be required to put in as much effort to join, or at least attend the matches, waving your pennant and buying the hotdogs!

Staff Writer; Lori James