How to Spring Clean Your Life Ladies.

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( We are spring forward with the clocks during this time of the year. Along with the moving the clocks ahead we are also spring cleaning the house and removing all clutter. All the clutter we developed over the winter. Bulky sweaters, tall boots and fuzzy socks. But what about spring cleaning your life not just your home? Yes! Spring cleaning your life in the same way. Removing clutter, springing forward, cleaning out all of the unnecessary junk and opening the windows to get a fresh new flow of air circulating throughout. It’s important to take the time to reset every so often. Spring is here and it’s time to air out everything that’s been collecting dust over the cold, dark winter months. Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home. You can clean up mental clutter and renew your mind and your soul! Here’s how!

Find Your Anthem

Get energized to change the course of your life with a new song. Find something peppy that celebrates you and all the potential you have.

Try Different Foods with a New Eating Lifestyle

First of all, ditch the word “diet” from your vocabulary and adopt a new eating lifestyle. Expand your palate by going meatless for a meal or two and trying new vegetables. Give dairy a rest for a while and see how differently you feel. There’s so much more to eat beyond meat and potatoes.

Toss Out Old Grudges

Nothing stinks up your life more than old grudges. Throw them out by learning to forgive. Write the person a letter if you have to. Whatever you need to do to release your offense, do it and let in the fresh breeze of love and wholeness.

Clear out your Brain

Make a pact to yourself, and promise to spend anywhere from five to 15 minutes just chilling with your thoughts. Leave your phone on silent in another room, or download a meditation app and turn your phone to Airplane mode so you’re not distracted. We’re so busy staring at screens that we need to remind ourselves to refocus. Take a walk minus technology. Hang out with a friend and say whoever reaches for their phone first has to pay for drinks or dinner.

Clean up your finances

Re-examine where you’re spending money and where you could cut some to save. Have a a subscription that you never use? Cancel it. Do you use your Netflix AND Hulu Plus? Do you spend $30 every time you go to happy hour? See where you can cut corners and save a little more.

Learn to Say No

Many of us take on more than we should because we are afraid to say no. Saying no does not have to be harsh. Without using the no-word, we can diplomatically explain that we have so much going on right now, we simply can’t take on anything else. Everyone knows how busy life can be and although they may be a little disappointed, they will respect you far more for telling them.

Spring is here and there’s truly no better time than now to simplify our lives. You can think of this as spring cleaning your life. As mothers, wives, lunch makers, house cleaner, laundry folder, we need a reset.

Staff Writer; Amber Ogden

One may also view more of her work over at;

Also connect via Instagram; 1amberogden and Twitter; MsAmberOgden.