Cool Ways to Celebrate Graduation Day.

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(ThySistas.comThe whole college experience is a lot of fun, but it can also be extremely hard work and anyone who makes it through their course to graduation day deserves to be celebrated. If you or your kid is set to graduate this year, why not do something special to mark the occasion and have one last hurrah before entering the real world of work and bill paying?

Here are some of the coolest ways to celebrate graduation:

Start with a Lei

On the Hawaiian Islands, it is tradition to give graduating students a lei garland on the big day. Why do people wear leis at graduation? Leis are a symbol of leaving college life behind and starting fresh in the adult world. Giving a fresh flower lei to your kid will show them how much you love them, how proud you are and mark an important occasion in their life. Lei Garlands are also extremely beautiful, especially the once sent straight from Hawaii, which are made from real, not artificial flowers. So, they’ll look great in the graduation photos too!

Take a Trip

There might not be much time for spontaneous trips once you’ve found a graduate job and you have to knuckle down, so why not finish graduation day with a spontaneous trip? Book a flight to a sunny destination, hire a car and drive Route 66 or take a round the world trip – just do something that you’ll always remember!

Spoil Them

College is expensive, so chances are your newly graduated kid will not have indulged in too many luxuries (keg parties aside) while working on their degree. So, they’ll be delighted if you let them go a little crazy with the credit card at a few of their favorite stores. If you can’t stretch to a full on shopping spree, buying them a small meaningful gift, like a piece of jewelry, will make them just as happy.

Throw a Party

Of course, the most obvious way to celebrate graduation is with a big ole party. Book a really cool nightclub and an even cooler DJ, invite all the college friends along and let them all have one last blowout before they go off into the real world.

Do Something Meaningful

If you’re a low-key kind of family, instead of a big blowout, you might prefer to do something a bit more meaningful. Visit grandma to show her your diploma, visit a conference relating to your degree or have an intimate family dinner where you can relax and talk about future plans, or go on a date night with your guy or girl – the choice is yours.

Frame It

Once the celebrations are over, you should think about getting a custom frame made for that piece of paper you spent so many years working so hard for. Custom frames don’t need to be expensive, but they do need to be special. Choose a style that you love, and which will encourage you to always have it on display as a memento of the whole college experience.

Staff Writer; Paula Moore