Creating A Chill Out Space For Your Workforce.

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( Offices with a fun chill-out space and games area are everybody’s favorites. Google weren’t the first ones to do it, but since then we’ve all had a taste of the action. Their offices are fun and brightly coloured, and other companies, like Buzzfeed, have followed suit.

You may not have the budget to turn your entire office in a playground. Or it may not be viable for another reason; perhaps there simply isn’t space, or it just doesn’t suit your company’s ethos. However, finding the budget to create at least one dedicated space is a wise move.

It gives team members a place to go on their breaks and lunchtim012-2016-blackwomanbusiness-woman-meetinges. It encourages companionship and bonding between team members and people from different teams. Sometimes, businesses can be quite segregated. Anything that gets people chatting and ideas flowing is a good thing. Plus, a great space could help with staff retention, and increase the amount of people who apply for jobs with you!

Some fun activities are good for a room. A pool or snooker table is a good shout, as is a Games Console. If you can only afford one, to begin with, do a poll with staff to see if which type they would prefer. This is a great way to get them more involved in the development!

As well as a place to blow off steam, you should also provide staff with a quiet area. It can become a place they go for a few minutes peace and quiet. You could use this area to do occasional classes or lessons. How about a language class in the evenings, or a yoga class one morning per week?

You should also use this space to promote learning, and not just of languages and fitness regimes. How about installing a wall of library shelving so that you can make a miniature library. Stuck as to where you’ll get the books from. You will be able to take loads of the hands of local charity shops. You could even ask staff to donate theirs, or set up a loaning and returning system. Reading a book provides a good break from looking at a screening!

It is also wise to have a further separate area for people to eat in. Some foods have a very strong smell. That smell only gets stronger when the food or meal is heated up. Fishy or eggy smells may make for an unpleasant odor for others who aren’t eating. A dedicated eating or canteen area is wise, with some sort of partition to help block smells or odors.

On the topic of food, the installation of vending machines is another good idea. You will need to pay for the initial outlay, installation and maintenance. However, the buying of the products falls on the staff’s shoulders.

When it comes to deciding exactly what you will and won’t do with the space, consider doing a vote! This is a great way to get everyone involved and more excited about the launch. It also ensures you are providing staff with what they want!

Staff Writer; Darlene Harris