(ThySistas.com) It seems when the topic of prayer comes up, people immediately begin to speak on their religious and/or spiritual doctrine’s. Many people truly believe that prayer is only for those of a particular faith, they fail to realize that the prayers of those who recognize the laws of nature which govern us, are answered as well. These laws of nature govern the light which is visible during the day, the dark of night, the leaves that shed during Fall, the flowers that bloom in the Spring, the flow that moves rivers, the stillness of the lakes, the process of birth and the inevitable death. These laws of nature governs all that happens around us as well as within us. When we show respect towards and give thanks for this natural order, we come to understand our position or role within the process of life.

Staff Writer; Dina Tuff
Connect with Mystic Philosopher & Inner Fitness Coach Dina Tuff @
The Magick Playhouse; http://dinatuff.blogspot.com/
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