(ThySistas.com) The strength of the village is tired. The sistahs that seem to find a way to navigate life for themselves while having to answer others are tired. These sistahs deserve reciprocity and truth be told they need it. They are the reason the village is safe, yet they have ...

(ThySistas.com) So many are walking this land hurting and confused. So many are trying to understand how they got into life’s quicksand, and they aren’t sure if they will make it out. Sometimes one is advised to seek mental health treatment, sometimes the advice is talk to family, sometimes one ...

(ThySistas.com) One of the issues with relationships is an inability to tell the truth in one’s own life. It’s a problem because it an become the root of issues in other relationships in the form of manipulation, jealousy, envy, and deceit. I’ll be the first to admit that though I ...

(ThySistas.com) I’ve always had a love and respect for my feet. This might sound funny, but as much as I love shoes…I can’t afford for them to offend my feet for any real period of time. It is always important that I find heels that look amazing, but they must ...

(ThySistas.com) There are many character flaws that can be damaging, and definitely require work. Some flaws are subconscious; the person committing them has no idea they are offensive until it is brought to their attention. It happens to all of us at some point in life. It’s apart of growth ...

(ThySistas.com) One of the greatest gifts we can give each other as sistahs…as black women is empathy. Out ability to understand the pain and needs of others is amazing. However, we don’t always offer this grace to each other, in part because we don’t give ourselves grace. If a sistah ...

(ThySistas.com) A new phase in life is wonderful, full of adventure, newness, and fun. Meeting someone that matches you in every way is a blessing indeed. It can quickly become the center of the universe. This isn’t hate at all; trust me your village gets the joy and the time ...

(ThySistas.com) I was once told that there is no love like that of a mother. I was told “Mother is God in the eyes of a child”. It was explained to me that one of the reasons Mother’s Day is so important is because a mother does for her child ...

(ThySistas.com) Life has been a challenge for many people. Pandemic, natural disasters, so much uncertainty, health challenges, loss of loved ones, and simply trying to manage oneself has altered what we know to be life. The “who has it worse” competition has no place in this kind of climate. It ...

(ThySistas.com) Very few of us would openly admit to being selfish. Its common thought that we are all selfish in some way, and in some areas, it is a necessity for success. However, we must realize that selfish behavior can kill our relationships with parents, sibling, friends, spouses and our ...