Saturday, April 20, 2024

Empowering Black Girls and Young Women.

In a society where black girls and young black women face unique challenges, the power of social-emotional learning and mentorship cannot be overstated. By integrating SEL into educational systems, fostering mentorship relationships, and providing support networks, we can uplift and empower these remarkable individuals. Through SEL and mentorship, black girls and young black women can develop essential skills, nurture their cultural identity, build supportive networks, and become confident leaders who make a positive impact in their communities and beyond. Together, let us embrace their potential and ensure that they have the support they need to thrive in today’s society.

Movie Review: The Little Mermaid – Part of Your Social Controversy~

June 3, 2023 by  
Filed under Ent., News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

The original Little Mermaid came out in 1989. Art is reflected by its current society. It is now 2023. Why is there so much surprise at the change? Why is there so much controversy? Why are we all acting like frown-locked adults lined up against another slippery slope argument? Picture your niece and nephew or your child watching the characters they love come to life on a humongous screen. Ask them what they thought of the movie when it ends, and listen. Dare to become a kid again yourself. Because, when it comes to the socio-political controversy of American media, sometimes it’s better to be “unda da sea.”

Book Review: Ida B. Wells-Barnett Still Speaks: Mob Rule In New Orleans.

Being a Native New Orleanian I admit this book was a difficult read. There is no sugar coating the hatred, violence, and terror. The sheer inhumanity is blatant to the reader. Though I remember hearing stories about a time that mob rule took over the streets of New Orleans, this book tells the stories and gives a name to victims. The horror came to life on the page. These were human beings going about their life, some were driving back into town, some headed to work, others visiting from out of town, but they were all spotted, hunted, and attacked for no other reason than they were Black.

Work Support Verses Drama.

There are co-workers that will become family, but they are few. They look out for you, and add to the work environment and your life. Some co-workers are great on the job, and that’s where it stays. Please understand this is okay; Both scenarios are good work support relationships.

Book Review: “The Light We Carry” is a Lesson in Realness.

This book was an amazing read. I walked away learning more about how I would like to shape life for myself. I appreciate Michelle Obama breaking down: “When they go low, we go high”. I never saw it as a passive position, though in our current climate I understand how others could perceive such. This is a great book for everyone to read, and I think it has such a special meaning for Black Woman as we endure so much in many areas of our life. As we continue to press toward our purpose as women, partners, mothers, and active members of our community “The Light We Carry” is another light we can look to help us chart our path as individuals and as a collective.

Moving to Action Can Be Grounding.

February 18, 2023 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, TS, Weekly Columns

One thing that came to me was constant movement…constant action. My grandmother worked through difficulty by physically moving, and mastering the things she could control until she found a way to manage what she was facing.

Book Review; “How Your Wings Grow”: A Lesson in Family.

January 12, 2023 by  
Filed under Ent., News, TS, Weekly Columns

The dynamics of the parental relationship can deeply affect that of siblings. The book shows this to be true at every turn. I’m definitely not one to give spoilers, but this is something else that can be flushed out in discussion. “How You Grow Wings” is a book that should be read individually, and collectively.

When Praise Becomes Medicine.

There is nothing wrong with them relieving their heaviness and it ought not be mocked, for in doing so we also mock culture. Song and dance has always been therapy for our people and that’s not fake…so when we see the posts of those that praise, lets leave them be. They are hurting no one, and they aren’t hurting themselves.

Changing How We View Wash Day.

December 2, 2022 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, TS, Weekly Columns

Self-evaluation is always a blessing because it leads to right thinking which can lead to healing and progress. I realized a crown is something to be loved, adored, handled with care, and respected. It is a symbol of power. Sistahs this is what our hair is…a symbol of a more internal power. I began to meditate on this revelation, only to decide how I view and engage hair day needed to be different. I needed to schedule a time to tend to my hair so that I wouldn’t be tired or irritable.

Experience Can Be A Cage.

Which is it? Please understand this kind of cage can restrain us in every area of our life that it allies. Some of us are in spiritual cages, cultural cages, and even academic cages. This happens any time negative experiences become the reason that we disavow a whole when the whole is not what caused us harm.

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