(ThySistas.com) My mother has always been an example of a calm demeanor. Some would have thought she was cold, but she is the type of person that has her emotions under control. I’ve watched the elder women in my family demonstrate a soothing calm when it seemed like all hell ...
(ThySistas.com) After the Presidential election results, I found myself in spaces having uncomfortable conversations with a few white women as they were trying to understand the space of Black women. One of them began speaking about Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I A Woman” speech in the context of what feminist need ...
(ThySistas.com) I will never argue against the power of prayer. With that being established it is important for our church elders, and believers as a whole, to understand we can pray about everything and trust God to cover us…but we may still be emotionally affected by what we are facing. ...
(ThySistas.com) Black women are vital to the strength and growth of America. We know this without a doubt, and the crazy part is everyone else knows it too…even if they choose not to acknowledge this truth. Women are a vital part of every culture, and how it is perpetuated and ...
(ThySistas.com) Poetry is a great literature genre to understand or question self, society, and how the world works in relation to self. Sometimes the words put together in the stanzas make us feel joy and become our go to on a bad day. At times the words can also remind ...
(ThySistas.com) When you are a trustworthy person, betrayal is a concept that doesn’t enter your mind properly. You don’t see people through the lens of the harm they can do to you. You tend to see the best in them. Nothing can be more heartbreaking and damaging to the Spirit ...
(ThySistas.com) Election season is very high charged in our nation, and to be honest it is dangerous. There are those that want to make a point that violates the rights of others, and they don’t mind doing so violently. Then there are those of us that have to protect and ...
(ThySistas.com) For many years Kerry Washington has been the walking embodiment of grace, poise, and class while also giving the vibe of the laidback girl next door we’d love to kick it with. Unlike some celebrities, the details of her personal life are not a public conversation. This is something ...
(ThySistas.com) Many of us are willing to acknowledge that self-care needs to be a priority in our life for us to be our best selves. We should want to be our best for us first, and then for those that we love. Though we are social individuals as humans, the ...
(ThySistas.com) I was reflecting about a situation recently, and in doing so I realized we were all moving forward from said situation…but there had been no true healing nor reconciliation. Far too often we believe moving forward together requires reconciliation and nothing could be further from the truth…especially when dealing ...
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