(ThySistas.com) Gaming is one of my top five relaxation hobbies. When I have had a hard taxing day, or week, I quickly pick up the controller to let off a bit of steam. These games can range from adventures to fighting depending on my mood. Today when I’m done writing ...
(ThySistas.com) My father used to sing a song titled, “Everything Must Change”. Though it has a romantic vibe to it the lyrics can be applied to life. Time is always moving forward, and it stops for no one. Maybe there is a lesson to be learned from good ol Father ...
(ThySistas.com) Prioritizing one’s peace has finally become a focus for many people. It is more than a trending topic, and it should be. There is no maintaining positive mental health without peace, however it is a challenge because there are so many things that can affect our peace…and all of ...
(ThySistas.com) Parenting is something I don’t see getting easier, as society continues to become an even more dangerous place. In addition to the normal parenting concerns, Black parents in America must prepare their children to live and thrive in a country that historically to present doesn’t value them. With that ...
(ThySistas.com) I know this is a touchy subject, and by some it won’t be received in the spirit of its intention…regardless of how I word the matter. Let me begin by saying the respect that one demands has to be a respect that is given. We can’t look at a ...
(ThySistas.com) I strongly believe every human being is born with a purpose. None of are simply here by chance. Finding one’s purpose is important as it is central to the concept of fulfillment in life. Moving with a lack of purpose can cause one to feel as though they are ...
(ThySistas.com) “Since that time I have been engages on a work not yet finished, which I interrupt now to tell the story of the mob in New Orleans, which, despising all law, roamed the streets day and night, searching for colored men and women, whom they beat, shot and killed ...
(ThySistas.com) “Becoming” was an amazing book that so many were able to connect to. As Former First Lady Michelle Obama shared her life with us, the readers, we gained wisdom and strength from her. One thing I appreciated about “Becoming” was Michelle Obama was real with us. I wasn’t sure ...
(ThySistas.com) I saw a post on Instagram recently of a brutha dancing in church, to a wonderful rendition of “For Every Mountain”. It was moving to me, and though the footwork was on point, it just seemed like he might have been releasing some burdens. Not to long after I ...
(ThySistas.com) Spirituality is vital to existence regardless of ones acknowledgement, or knowledge of such. In such a space everything has a purpose. There is no such thing as mundane action and movement. Everything that we do that has an effect on our natural space effects our spiritual existence. Understanding is ...
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