Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Womanhood is More Than a Feeling.

This is not a position of fear nor hate. It’s more so, all feelings and experiences need to be respected. You can’t strong arm a position and define others while demanding a self-defining space. When a biological woman says don’t call me cis-gendered…respect that as much as you want pronouns respected. She has the right to define herself. The biggest issue on the table is, if all don’t agree in silence they are branded as haters and told they have a phobia.

Navigating the Impact of Reality TV Culture: The Case of “Baddies” and Its Influence on Young Black Women.

Education, media literacy initiatives, and fostering open dialogues at home are essential components of empowering young Black women to distinguish between reality and the scripted narratives presented on television. Through these efforts, we can cultivate a generation of critical thinkers who approach media consumption with discernment and a strong sense of self-worth.

Navigating the Digital Landscape: Black Women and the Dynamics of Online Dating.

Online dating for Black women is a dynamic journey that involves navigating through both challenges and opportunities. By fostering representation, navigating stereotypes, cultivating authenticity, and engaging in empowering conversations, Black women can shape their online dating experiences in a way that aligns with their values and aspirations.