(ThySistas.com) Learning about other cultures is exhilarating, especially when you see things that though they are different they remind you of parts of your own culture. A few of my sisters and I have been loving different parts of Asian culture. We have found that Korean and Japanese are the too we enjoy the most. This began with our love for food, gaming, anime, manga, K-Dramas, and even K-Pop & J-Pop. We love these spaces and learning more about the culture along the way. It makes us want to visit and interact with the people of the cultures we love and appreciate. There are so many social network groups for these spaces, but I find that Black women are not always welcomed…and the Asian people in the groups are usually not the main source of mistreatment ironically. No one wants to be made to feel uncomfortable is spaces that they are supposed to enjoy, so many Black women have created spaces just for us to engage and enjoy the culture where we are not constantly told how much our favorite Korean actor or Idol would think we are ugly. It happens quite often.
Unfortunately, fangirl behavior can cloud reality when this space becomes how all of life is coped with. For some when life gets hard watch your favorite K-drama…when depressed turn on BTS. I can definitely understand why one would do it; I admit if my morning is rough BTS is a happy encouraging go too. They have been a wonderful addition to my current playlists. However, some of us tend to overlook issues regarding race and racial appropriation when they happen. Furthermore, in this new found love of Korean men…we end up trashing Black men without cause. We can love the culture and its entertainment while still being honest about the state of the world and keeping our identity.
While I love cultures, I tend to stay away from artists that commit the appropriation crimes. If there is an issue whereby there is true ignorance, and that artist does the work to be better humans and that is reflected in their medium of art…I can forgive. However, the blatant appropriation with no regard to the feelings of the people that support your work is unacceptable. We need to be fair in this. If the behavior is in appropriate and disrespectful when we are dealing with White people…then it is the same for People of Color all over the world. If we are not fair across the board, we are sending a message that it is okay for some to not value our culture…this will never be okay as it further chips at respect. I for one am not a Black Pink fan for this very reason…I can’t abide the constant appropriation issue with what looks like no intention to fix the disrespectful behavior. Even if it’s your favorite artist and you choose to continue listening, it is important to be honest about the problematic situation. It’s known that even amongst our artists there are those that choose to separate the music from the individual. However, some of them can admit the individual is toxic and a terrible person. The same situation applies to other groups if you choose to keep listening.
It is important to understand yes there are those that are racist within the groups of whose culture you love. If you go visit those cultures, you may have encounters that remind you of this trust. No, it is not everyone…but again this is about being honest. We cannot equate all the people of a particular group to just what we see in the art of a few. This must also be considered when looking at men. Every Korean man is not the actor you love in the K-dramas. The idea that other groups of men are automatically better than Black men as a whole is a dangerous false narrative to feed yourself. There is good and bad in every group yes but remember this when you scold Black Men for this position regarding other groups of women. If you like what you like there is no need to drag Black men into that. Black men know our plight better than others because they too live it…this is still the truth.
Enjoy engaging in other cultures and meeting the people. Enjoy the art forms if they make you happy. I absolutely love music from all over the world, and it is the same with film & TV for me. However, I am not so far off into any fan girl behavior that I forget who I am, and the truth of the world I live in. These two things can exist in the same safe and both of them be true.
Staff Writer; Chelle’ St James
May also connect with this sister via Twitter; ChelleStJames.
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