Managing Post Election Fear.

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( I often felt empowered when reading history because it was the chronicles of our people surviving and unthinkable predicament, yet against all odds they strived. Because of their fearless perseverance we are here with the opportunities we have. No, the system is not perfect, as a matter of fact, it’s still broken. We are not in a post-racial society; the war for our equality is still in progress. With that being said, I must admit that after the election results, knowing the history didn’t feel good. If felt as though I had read what could happen to us, and we are not equipped. So many have stated, “I am not my ancestors” …not realizing it takes more than access to guns and a willingness to use them to survive whatever might be ahead.

Managing Post Election Fear.

At the same time feeling that just logic, ethic, and philosophy from a system not created by us will be our weapon is a delusion. We must have the knowledge, wisdom, gut instinct, and calculate moment to make it through whatever is ahead of us. Patience alone is something that can prove to be a problem because too many of us don’t have it. Too many of us are emotional to the degree it can render us unable to function and that is dangerous. Many of us are feeling a deep-seated fear that is justified. Where some felt we had some allies we found out on election day all we have is each other. Though we have fought for the rights of others, our lives were not important enough for any POC group to truly align themselves with us for whatever reason. This is enough to cause an anxiety attack, but I remember this was also the position of our ancestors. Black women have spoken on behave of themselves and the Black delegation that as a people we are checked out. We cannot afford to center any other group…oneself. With that established and agreed with…how to manage the fear and concern we feel is important.

While grocery shopping last week, I noticed an old white man with a MAGA hate on with a gun on his side [I live in an open carry state] and I watch a young Black woman lock eyes with her and she froze. As I was preparing to pass them, I heard him tell her she would be a cute item. Her eyes were wide as were mine, but before she could answer him I was walking away with the sistah. She was ready to go off, and rightfully so, but I don’t believe she was paying attention to the weapon on his person.  She and I talked a bit as she was calming down. I explained that her feelings were valid, but she confirmed for me that she didn’t notice his firearm. This allowed us to just bond a moment over the experience as well as how to manage the fear that the election outcome has caused. We exchanged numbers since we live in the same city. We’ll shop together so that we feel a bit safer. How we move will have to be more strategic, and we can’t have a “you can’t tell me anything” attitude. It would be unwise to move about with our ears plugged unaware of our surroundings. This has always been dangerous, but even more so now. It is important to know where our children and family members are. Some of this might seem overwhelming, and I agree…but we truly do not know what is ahead of us. We could be about to meet the past through various parts of Project 2025 being implemented, or it could upset White America so much that they actually fight back. Either way we deal with the aftermath of whatever with chosen.

Knowing history in this time is a great help. We don’t need to re-invent the wheel in terms of surviving and thriving under directly hostile administrations. Our ancestors left us the blueprint, and unity is heavily involved. At some point we will have to learn to love self fully in all of ones blackness, and them love each other just the same. We have more access to information then those that can before us, and more access to finance; if we work together we can move the blueprint forward. We must look out for each other, and all our people to look out for us.  This also means dealing with those in our community that clearly do not understand the assignment. That can  be difficult, but we can’t act like they don’t exist nor should we trust them when they are throw out by those they chose to align themselves with. Uncertain times are ahead of us. Managing stress, fear, anxiety, and other spaces will be vital to surviving so that we also enable our children to manage. Our ancestors survived and thrived…so can we.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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