(ThySistas.com) I am a firm believer that poetry is for everyone. Even if a book of poetry is focused on a specific subject, theme, or group there is always something of benefit that can be found by any reader that encounters the words. With that in mind, “Blue On A Blue Palette” By Los Angeles Laureate Lynne Thompson is a collection of poetry that will have an impact on any reader, but it is cooling water washing over the souls of Black women. This read feels like a sit down from the ancestors, through the poet, and directly into the heart of Black Women.
“Even a carpetbagger can’t sneer at any undertaking we women might fashion for ourselves. Vigorous as we are, quick to whistle when drowning but not to worry: we’re xerophytic and not easily lost as a yacht, its tiny flags flailing, the see color of zirconium, or some other form of divination.”
Every concern we face as Black women that stem from our ability to survive, the questioning of our worth, the relationship to each other and our children, wo we are, and what we deserve are all addressed here. The poet carefully addresses these spaces using history, and words that make us pause think and digest. This is not a book that is fully understood in one read. It comes to you more every time you engage in the text. The reader will keep coming back because the text literally calls to you.
“The body isn’t an allegory—history doesn’t fail, we fail history while raptors’ faces hover in the storm”
The form of the verses is free and continual like moving waters. There isn’t the traditional punctuation and stops that come with periods…the format looks like an example of what we should be. Every poem is not formatted the same. There should be authenticity and bold individuality among us as there is in the presentation of the collection.
“Till the old junk man Death plants your feet in the cool swamp mud shake your brown feet, honey. Stay awake all night with loving or be a woman in the doorway.”
Lynne Thompson held our hand as she navigated us through our origins and pains of what it means to be a Black woman especially here in America. There are reminders that we must live as much as we work, and my favorite part…that we deserve love and to be loved on through our bodies at every age our body will see. This body of work is important to the strength and healing of Black women specifically, and then all who encounter it. This is a great book for sister circles, and for women to share with the different generations of women within their family. This is a poetry book that I want to read with my mother and sisters. It is one I highly recommend as it is an answer to the needs of our heart, and affirmation desires of our soul.
“Allow yourself everything, especially those things you have stored on a shelf, saying that’s not for me or I’m not able.”
“Blue On A Blue Palette” can be found at your local bookstore, Amazon, and anywhere books are sold.
Staff Writer; Christian Starr
May connect with this sister over at Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/christian.pierre.9809 and also Twitter; http://twitter.com/MrzZeta.
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