Church is Not a One-Way Ticket to Heaven.

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( Going to church is a good practice. There is plenty of positive aspects that exist when you attend a good church that are attentive to their members and the needs of said members. However, we need to be clear about what church can and can not do. Sisters putting your babies in a good church is one way to have them around positive influences that re-enforce the morals and values you are trying to instill. With that being said going to church is not a one-way ticket to heaven. If we want Christianity to be respected its very important that we are honest about what we believe and what the Bible says about such.

It is important that we instill right living in our children. We don’t want them to feel going to church is a waste of time. However, too many of us came from a time whereby we had elders that believed going to church was the primary part of the religion. Some of them don’t understand that the faith requires more than church membership to instill the principles and values of the faith.

We have sisters that haven’t been able to get to church for many different reasons, but they know their Word and they do all they can to live accordingly. They aren’t in the building, but the ideals of Christ are seen in how they live…shouldn’t that be the goal? We want our children to have compassion and keep a handle on their humanity. You want them to have an understanding of why they pray, why attention to their bible is important, and why they can’t handle everything in a volatile manner.

A lot of the primary reasons for living as a Christian are not tied up in simply going to church. This means that those that are in church every Sunday religiously should be mindful not to look down on people that aren’t’ there. God doesn’t care how bad your heels are, how fly your suit it, nor how large of a church hat you rock. Church is not for the purpose of judgement as that is reserved for God.

If you take the time to come outside the walls of the church, you will see all the work that need to be done with the youth and in our community. Your ticket to heaven is found in your salvation which the church didn’t create. Your heart and concern for your people is what will bring people into the church. Living in truth will allow you to see the church as a base for outreach not a stairway to heaven. Let those you love see you live out what you believe no matter what you face. Teach the children that yes, church does have a place and it is a part of community. However, we will continue to lose people if we place the church over the faith, and the church over right living. The truth is still the path to freedom.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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