Being a Young Black Woman in America 2016.

( Fight Fight Fight! As a young black woman in America it is not easy to play our role, it is no piece of cake. Women have never been equal to men in the eyes of those that carry a penis, the truth is we are just as powerful as if not more powerful than them. We have learned to make “lemonade” with the “lemons” America throws us, in the midst of the horrors we face. It is one thing being a woman but being black is a whole other ball game! Black women in general are seen as “hot in the pants”, everyone views us as very sexual beings which is not the case at all.

Even though as young women we have more opportunities in 2016 than ever before, we still are not at the finish line. Though America is very openly racist, I think they hate women more than anything. For many years women fought for the right to even be able to obtain employment, it was only after 1920 when legislation passed to provide women with employment and an equal pay rate to men. We have fought a strong fight for decades to have the ability to be where we are at this very moment. We are still fighting for the ability for young black women to have the ability to hold powerful positions in the government as well.

Being black and a woman in America is one of the hardest things to endure, we are constantly victimized and emotionally abused by America with its harsh and unequal treatment. Before the 1970’s women were not allowed to own homes, work while being pregnant, report sexual harassment in the workplace, or refuse to have sex with their spouse. For as long as history dates back we have been seen as the property of men, we as young black women have many reasons why we are dissatisfied in America.

We have risen above centuries of oppression, after many years of dealing with society’s sexist and racist misconceptions as well as brutal hostilities. Black women in their younger days have often been the champions of this nation from playing on professional sports teams, breaking world records, and guiding the nation to victory. There are so many talented, ambitious, deeply thoughtful and very intelligent young black women, we have mastered great things in the fields of literature, journalism, healthcare, education, music, dance, theater, science and that is just to name a few. We are not given the proper credit as young women for the roles that we take on, we are such strong beings that no matter what comes our way we make a way.

If a black woman has the ability to do nothing else, I guarantee you she knows how to make a way. Women are doing things that men would never be able to endure physically, mentally, nor emotionally. I will not ignore the fact that we’ve come along way but we have even further to go. We are stronger than ever we maintain households, raising children, and establishing a career. We take what others see as impossible and conquer each and every task. Now that is truly black girl magic !!

Staff Writer; Myra Moore