It’s Ok, Celebrate Yourself!

( Every week in my planner, there’s a question that says, How will you celebrate your success this week? Imagine, celebrating yourself weekly. We’ve been conditioned to celebrate the joys of others, while humbly and quietly celebrating ourselves to not appear so vain. Well that was so last years motto, it’s ok, go ahead and celebrate yourself!

Celebrate even the small victories in your life because it will motivate you to go after what’s bigger and even better. Don’t be shy about the things that you’ve accomplished. Celebrate yourself!! Sometimes I celebrate my success by simply treating myself to my favorite wine spot here in NOLA or I’ll celebrate everything I’ve done this year and take a one day trip to Miami (still can’t believe I did that). Or I’ll celebrate myself in that moment and take a break from house chores and just spend an evening relaxing. Those dirty dishes can wait!

I once had a co-worker who decided to go back to school now that she was an empty nester and she had no intentions of celebrating herself once she gained her associate’s degree, until she met me. I told her that after she walks across that stage, we are celebrating her accomplishment. In her mind, it wasn’t a bachelor’s degree, so there was no need to walk across the stage and get her diploma. Who cares if it’s not a bachelor’s degree? It’s still a milestone worth celebrating and from that celebration, she will be even more willing to write more ten paged papers and get that bachelor’s degree. I know plenty of kindergartners who strut across the stages in Chicago, during their graduation celebrating that they accomplished nap times and learning their primary colors lol.

Celebrating your milestones or successes weekly will push you towards completing more goals the following the week. I love looking at my planner at the end of each week, knowing that I have crossed out in red ink, everyday, my list of things to do. That amount of discipline that takes, makes you want to celebrate. Each red mark means that I pushed passed the fears and doubts and got it done. Me celebrating my accomplishments weekly doesn’t make me vain, it makes me confident in myself and definitely boosts my self-esteem. Don’t believe me, try it.

Try for one month, celebrating yourself weekly. From the smallest goal accomplished to the biggest milestone for that month. Don’t worry about what people will think of your celebration and erase the thoughts that you don’t deserve to celebrate yourself yet. Light a candle and sit in silence, go to that restaurant that you’ve been wanting to go to for so long, enjoy that second glass of wine, buy yourself a gift, just do something that will celebrate YOU!

Even if you have to celebrate you waking up an extra hour early every morning to work on your future or current business. That’s worth celebrating, especially if the struggle to wake up early is real for you. Most successful people day starts at 5am and they have completed their hardest or most time consuming goal by noon.

What accomplishments have you completed this week? How will you celebrate those accomplishments? Share your thoughts in the comment.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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