Five Tips to Help You Achieve Your Health Goals.

( If you’re not into the whole going to the gym thing like me, and need more creative ways to exercise, eat healthy and just strengthen your health and wellness routines, like me, keep reading! So I cringe at exercising and you most certainly will only catch me in somebody’s gym because it contains a treadmill and that’s it! In order for me to remain healthy and achieve my health goals, I do the following that can possibly help you.

Make time to exercise. Just as with any to-do list, you have to schedule and make time to exercise. Don’t just write it in your pretty planner or do the hard work of setting the alarm on your phone to work out but never do. Actually, find the time to exercise and do it! I know personally on Instagram, a lot of people that I follow wake up at 4am or 5am and exercise. THAT TIME IS NOT FELICIA’S MINISTRY lol, so I schedule a time later in the day, essentially because I’m not an early riser. Whatever works best for you (morning, afternoon or evenings), just make the time to exercise.

Set realistic goals to achieve. Don’t torture or starve yourself by setting unrealistic goals, especially if you’re goals surrounds weight loss. Don’t embark on any fast track diets, fasts or drowning your lungs in cayenne pepper because Beyonce did it to lose weight ASAP. Take your time with your weight loss journey and know that if you put in the hard work consistently, you will not only achieve your weight loss goals but you (and others) will definitely see results and you will do it in the healthiest way possible for your body.

Find your workout bestie. If you need an accountability partner or someone to go at this healthy journey with, buddy up and find you a workout bestie. You both can achieve your health goals while keeping each other motivated and accountable. You can also find a virtual workout bestie in a Facebook group or via any social media platform also.

Keep a food or weight loss diary. Food or weight loss diaries are a great way to track what you’re eating daily and/or track the pounds you shed weekly. Make sure you are logging your food or weight loss data and if that’s a hassle for you via paper and pen, then use one of those fancy fitness apps that’s out there.

Drink more water daily. Can’t stress this enough, your body needs plenty of water to survive. Instead of consuming caffeine all day at work, drink more water. Consider doing the gallon a day challenge. I’ve done it before and it was not easy, but it definitely wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Add fruit to your water if that helps you digest more of it but just make sure you are drinking more water daily.

Your health goals are yours to achieve. Don’t feel pressured to do what everyone else around you or on social media is doing. Consult with a nutritionist, personal trainer or physician as needed to help you achieve your health goals and lastly, DO THE BEST THAT YOU CAN! If you slip back into old habits or lose your motivation, grab your workout bestie and go at again and achieve your health goals.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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