Is That a Tooth?!

( It started as a little red spot on his gums. Then, that red spot got bigger and there were a few more on his gums at the back of his mouth. He started whining and was a bit fussy during feedings. He would get frustrated more easily than usual. He also started pooping a lot more and slobber became a formidable foe for dry clothing. When it was time for his four-month appointment, his pediatrician gleefully informed me that my second sweet prince was teething and could enjoy jarred foods now. My mind was blown. I didn’t think he was old enough to start teething. Of course, as any millennial mama would, I hopped on Google and to do my research. According to the popular website, What to Expect, children can begin teething as soon as three months old or as late as six months.

As a mother of two, I have to admit that for certain milestones I compare my children and base my solutions for daily problems on previous experiences. My first son hit most of his development targets at a normal pace like most children. He began teething at six months old, walking (or attempting to stand) around 10 months and started making sounds to communicate at about the same time. So when baby boy #2 was drooling out of control at three months, we suspected it was time for teeth but thought it was too soon. At four months, he was trying to stand because he saw his father and brother walking around and wanted to join. Now at six months, his walker is his favorite place to be while he tries to take steps and follow his brother as he plays. His small rice grains of new teeth pepper his bottom gums and give the house the blues with his symphony of painful wails. Our little Turtle is outpacing his older brother by leaps and bounds. Yet, it still pains me as a mother to see him hurt and know there are only a few tricks to keep him calm.

Here are a few tips for us still newly minted mama’s to try out for their early bird teether. If the baby has been itching to gum your fingers, let him. The Mayo Clinic suggests this practice to help make him comfortable and even serves as playtime as you can make a game out of catching your hand. Now not only have you distracted the baby from the pain and soothed him, but you have also worked on hand-eye coordination. The most obvious answer would be a cool (NOT frozen) teether for him to gum on. The cool sensation and slight pressure applied will definitely help to ease his pain. You can also try chilled fruit for your baby to gum on as it also helps to introduce new foods. Keep a bib on the baby as well as drooling can be a serious problem.

If left unchecked slob can cause irritation and rashes around baby’s mouth and create an even worse situation. It may seem like your little one is extra clingy during this time and it’s for good cause since they’re experiencing an throbbing pain. Give plenty of one-on-one time and cuddles as it helps your baby cope with their first aching body part. If you’re thinking of natural supplements to help then its best to avoid any products that contain belladonna, benzoine, and lidocane because they can seriously harm infants. Remember to clean your baby’s gum (I didn’t consider this when he started) by rubbing them with a clean, soft cloth after breakfast and before bed.

If none of these work, just hang in there Mama. It won’t be long that your precious baby will have a mouth full of pearly whites to shine for you.

Staff Writer; Jessieca Carr

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