Case #123456: Personal v. Business.

(ThySistas.comThe courtroom doors open. You walk up and sit on the Defendant side ready to prove why you need time to be you. The prosecutor is Business. He is ready at any cost to rid you of any free time and resources you have.  The judge bangs the gavel. The court is now in session. 

As women, we have so many expectations put on us: caretaker, housekeeper, and businesswoman. It is a lot. These expectations sometimes blur the boundaries we think we set up as adults to prepare for juggling.  How do we separate business from personal when they want so badly to combine?  

First, we have to know ourselves.  We have to know what we are willing to handle.  This involves boundaries. In the education profession,  we set rules so students can know what they can and can not do. Do they do their best to push their boundaries? Of course.  The students also know the consequences of going over those boundaries. Set boundaries for yourself that dictate what you are personally willing to handle.  

Next,  know the business expectations that are expected of you.  The fast pace of society these days makes us forget to read the directions and simply try to find out as we go what to do or how to do. Why take yourself through that type of pain when you can know before you do?  Take the time to understand specifically what the business side expects of you. For example, I became an officer in an organization that basically had no real organization. People were allowed to do what they want.  Meetings were extremely long. I saw myself becoming overwhelmed with trying to solve every problem. I eventually had to take a break and stop. Then, I started asking those in control questions about my responsibilities.  Knowing this will help you to know what you are required to do. If you want to do more, you have that as an option. However, you also have the option not to and still maintain status or your job as a result.  

The final step to separating business from personal is experimentation.  One of the worst things we do as women is giving up if it does not work the way we want it for the first time. If we are honest, it usually does not work out the way we want for the first time. It takes work. It takes experiencing failure and triumph.  Experimenting with the personal and business side is not a linear experience. It is circular because it changes as needed to fit who you are. 

(SIDE Note: Emotions will be involved in these transitions because what you do for business is usually based on personal interests.  Emotions have their place, and they should be experienced. Do not let them make the final decision.) 

Your place in this courtroom is not by accident. It happened because you finally decided to give Business a limit on its influence over you. Do not allow your business side to keep you from enjoying who you are.  You have the most influence over the judge and jury because they are YOU. Choose boundaries. Know expectations. Experiment. Then, close that case so you can enjoy life.

Staff Writer; J. W. Bella

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