Sister to Sister.

( Sisterhood is such a broad topic, I describe sisterhood as a beneficial relationship between females. It seems that sisterhood has been lost, instead of women trying to network and help one another grow as one they would rather see each other fail. Today’s generation of women lack sisterhood, and social media is a great representation of that. Women bash each other on social media and air out each other’s dirty laundry.

There are two types of women in the world. There are women who do not mind helping her fellow sister while also developing a special bond along the way to greatness. There are also the “crab in a bucket” type women who are envious of their fellow sister and would rather see them fail rather than to lend a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on.

While I can not speak for other universities I can speak on my own which is Savannah State University. When returning in the fall I’ll be a sophomore,and I’ve witnessed on several occasions a lack of sisterhood on a lot of campuses where students clash and envy each other.  Moral of the story is every since I stepped foot on the campus there was sisterhood between me and a few others. My very first week I signed up for a mentor and though she is quite a bit older than me we are both still growing as individuals. We help to balance out each other, we try to uplift each other so that we can reach our goals of success together.

Sisterhood is on the most important things that we as women should desire. On campus sisterhood should be more widespread than it is, everyone should have someone that they can count on in their time of despair. There is nothing greater than a blooming, healthy, and empathetic relationship between us as “sisters”.  A lot of universities do not have sisterhood on campus, and it is mainly because women are intimidated of success in their surroundings. Since being on campus I’ve grown as a person while also networking with other young ladies to form a sisterhood. It makes a big difference and it gives me the motivation to keep pushing forward when things seem impossible are to hard.

Being around other positive people inspires positivity in your life and makes you want to be a better person. How can we say that we want sisterhood but then we go to worship shows like Love & Hip Hop Atlanta where women always find some reason to physically fight and argue just for popularity and money. What people fail to realize is that sisterhood is develops over time with trust it isn’t something that we as women and young ladies should value.

Staff Writer; Myra Moore