Random Thoughts on Sex & Relationships These Days…

(ThySistas.com) I was having a random moment whereas a thought, and concept, captured me while the cascading waters of my shower acted as a temporal muse this morning. This subject is one that I’ve heard about growing up, have dealt with personally, talked about with friends, and now address as a social issue with my husband. SEX…not sexual intercourse but the interactions, actions, and reactions of one member of a sex to one of the opposite due to interest and/or attraction; or in half as many instances, the lack thereof. The thing that troubles me most, is how ‘knowledgeable’ everyone seems to be in the field of sex in regards to our era of time. We are “so-so-so smart” in the dealings of intra-sex relations that many of us just throw that intel to the wayside and act mindlessly. (LOL, don’t you just love sarcasm?) In actuality, what we know are facts.

Some of these facts were founded by free-loving sexologist or maybe a scientific study using test subjects that barely touch the surface of what can be considered to be average; but disregard commonplace for it is unattainable in this method of operation or school of thought. Sex ed used to be taught by Madeah, Big Mama, Mommy, Mom, Dad, Daddy, MeeMaw, MiMi, Pops, Granny, Papa, Grandma, Mami, Mima, Pawpaw, GiGi, and GranGran, Papah,etc. It has been replaced by technicalities thus stripping away the ethics and morals of the matter.

It’s quite simple.

LADIES: Realize that though you have a pair of breasts and ovaries, you only have one mode of transportation to bring that little bundle of joy into this world. You stand with one foot on the ground and the other in the grave being the transport and transporter. I implore that you also use your heart and mind to reason for good reason. Don’t allow yourself to be in potentially bad situations.

MEN: realize that you have two heads but only one brain and heart.  “What does this mean?” may be your first thought. Its means follow a tried and true handyman rule of thumb. “Measure 2-3 times and cut once“….. Still confused? Weigh out your options twice, rationalize the situation, think ethically, call to your heart and think morally before making that first move.

Don’t allow yourself to be in situations where you may make a wrong move. Every decision has consequences. Put yourself in the best possible position to be successful with clear and righteous intentions/goals.  Ladies and gentlemen sex is more than the moment, and the consequences can effect an innocent life; in large it can effect an entire community.  We should not allow our hormones to counter reason, and sound judgement.  In addition to children there is the emotional baggage that tends to harm others as one moves from one relationship to the next.

My last thought on this is one that aligns with more of a relationship, and marital line drive. I speak to my fellow sisters and brethren that are of a mature age. The reason we have so many young girls and boys that seek out older men and women, thinking that “girls/boys” their own age are too immature, is because you have too many older women/men immaturely seeking a companion who will be docile (in some form), a trophy image, dumb, and will function in servitude whereas they never speak, question, or more importantly challenge their counterpart to improve. If we aren’t WOMAN or MAN enough to deal on our own insecurities we subsequently encourage young girls and boys to believe that they’re women and man enough to function efficiently in said relationship.

In actuality they’re trying to be something that they have not arrived at yet. The image of a mature husband and wife in America seems to be growing in the wrong direction as the years of past pass. Things that are immorally accepted today were rightly rebuked yesterday; and will be commonplace practice tomorrow if we continue in the mindset we currently work under. These are just random thoughts… I am just a sister openly considering how we as a people can begin to move forward in a positive manner.  I realize these are real issues to be considered.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

May connect with this sister over at Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/christian.pierre.9809 and also Twitter; http://twitter.com/MrzZeta.