Domestic Tech – 5 Smart Home Technologies That Are Changing the Way We Live.

(ThySistas.comIt is 2019, and enhancing your technology for a more efficient, secure lifestyle goes beyond just upgrading your phone. There are many daily activities, tasks, and responsibilities we can simplify and improve thanks to technology. This doesn’t have to mean forking out your life savings for a robot butler or 100% automated home and workplace. Rather,  it’s about improving the value you get out of appliances and tools that you use every day. Here are five modern smart home technologies that will change the way you live, for the better:

1. Security

It is vital that your home is always safe and secure while you are out and about or on vacation. This is especially the case if you live alone or in a shared space and cannot rely on somebody to always be available to confirm that the doors are locked! By installing a bluetooth door lock and smart security system, you can monitor and operate your security remotely through your smartphone. Click here, for more info on keeping your home & family safe from intruders. 

Safeguard your valuables and attach them to your cabinets, safes, doors, and gates for the most reliable protection, control who has access at any time and track all activity with this incredible device

2. Lighting

There are numerous benefits to installing a smart lighting system in your home. Firstly, you grant yourself total control over your lighting aesthetics with the press of a button. You don’t have to worry about running to the other side of the house to flick a switch, and can easily dim or turn all lights off altogether when you need to. Smart lighting is also an excellent solution for a more energy efficient home. You can time your lighting and ensure they are off even when you’re away by checking your phone potentially saving you some cash off your energy bill as well.

3. Fridge

The kitchen is not exempt from smart technology, and the smart fridge is a great example of how digital technology can integrate into your domestic lifestyle. The smart fridge uses high tech features, cameras and mobile technology synced to your phone, to monitor and record the contents of your fridge so that you can always be sure of when you need to restock certain items – even if you’re not at home! Some models can be programmed to monitor your icebox and water filter features while others can sync up to other smart devices like speakers and entertainment systems.

4. Temperature Control

Similar to smart lighting, you can monitor and maintain the perfect environment for all rooms of your house via your smartphone once you have upgraded to a smart thermostat. This can mean avoiding enormous power bills for forgetting to turn a system off and even timing your temperature to adjust or turn off while you’re falling asleep.

5. Entertainment

Smart TVs are here to stay. User-friendly developments in this popular technology make it a more competitive item in the market which means you won’t need to break the bank to upgrade your entertainment system. Not only can you browse and choose from a broader range of channels, TV shows, music, and film by syncing your Smart TV to internet streaming services and your subscription services but you can also use it for gaming, web browsing and potentially access content and media from your PC.

Now that you’re more familiar with some of the more popular smart home technologies, which upgrades will you be making next?

Staff Writer; Paula Brown